Sunday 17 April 2011

MoSVT: Mindset of Success, Victory and Triumph

Everybody wants to be successful. Success makes you feel good about yourself. Success brings you the satisfaction feeling of achievement. Success is the 'drug' that gives you the 'high' you need to keep on moving. But success can mean different things to different individual. Some are generic and some are unique. Whether it is to be rich, to climb the corporate ladder, to have a supermodel girlfriend or maybe just to be the greatest dad in the world(awww....).

Now success in life, victory in battles or triumph of achievement, all of them requires completing a minimum set of goal or objectives necessary for the to influence the outcome to favor your particular interest(Yes, Mizi, tell us something we dont know!). But the prerequisite of this is you have to believe you can pull it off(Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh). For every individual human being, there are 3 key areas that is within his/her circle of influence but only 2 will have an effect on his/her surrounding; thought, words and action. People only can judge you by your words and actions as the indication of your thoughts except for any preconceive biases. Your thoughts or the way you think will be translated into words and actions even though you may try to hide it, you cannot go against your thoughts and will 24/7. Like Abraham Lincoln once said, you can fool some people some times, but you cant fool all the people all the time. Or is it Bob Marley?hm.....

Now if I attempt to put this mathematically, Thought = Words + Action, so times that by Success and we have Successful Thoughts = Successful Words + Successful Actions = Successful Outcome. What is he first thing you should do? Identify the minimum goals or objectives that are relevant to your cause. It is vital that you get this right but not necessarily the first time. Thats what the PDCA Shewhart Cycle somes in. It often the A part or Analyse that rarely people have much success or even go that far to review if their objectives are still relevant or valid. It is when we can separate the sound from the noise will we be able to get to the source. If we eventually manage to get our goals straight, then we finally have a mindset of success.

To have a mindset of success is to dismiss the notion that success comes accidentally or with minimal effort or sweat. There is some hard work to be done. There is an optimize way  towards success but never a short cut. You have to accept the fact that success will come at a price and it is usually not cheap(in terms of effort). Again as highlighted by Malcolm Gladwell, be prepared to do a minimum of 10,000 hours of practice. To put in our minds that until we done the necessary work or pay our dues, we cannot be able to imagine the steps by steps our way to success. As if the ballerina can picture it clearly how she will walk up the stage, perform her routine like one of her best practice session, take a bow and receive a standing ovation, all before she even start to perform. That state of mind, that level of preparedness readiness will give rise to confidence which eventually make you say the right things, take the right action in all the right moves.

Also one more important to remember; the best laid plans are nothing compares to God's will. We have to be humble to the forces that are beyond of our control. Sometimes to test us or to make us come up with a better plan or even to change our way of thinking, God will throw a spanner into the works. It is nothing personal but we must be open-minded and optimist that our time of success has not come yet. We may have to go back to the drawing board several times in fact before we actually meet our goals. God wants us to become a better version of ourselves. As human beings we are frail and we will make mistakes. All our planning have to taken account our shortcomings of shortsightedness and overestimation of ourselves. The best we can do is to make sure the mistake does not deter us and it leads of a different way to explore in achieving our goals.

And I will leave you with....Success is a process, not an event.

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